This is the kind of exercise I like

Members of the River of No Return Photo Club who showed up to the June 22 meeting were challenged by VP Beth to photograph nine elements of photography while in one location. The nine were light, shadow, line, shape, form, texture, color, size and depth. There was a bonus round for focus, tonality, quality of light, pattern and negative space. This is the kind of exercise I can get into. It involved challenging the eyes, mind and at times the not-so-happy-to-kneel knees. We headed out to the Sacajawea Center, which has trails, gardens, wildlife, and much more to see and do. If you’re in Salmon, Idaho, you can’t miss it and the visitor center is worth exploring. For those of us on this visual scavenger hunt, there was plenty to see in the waning hours of the day. Most elements are represented in the photo gallery. The club meets at 7 p.m. the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Purple Easel Gallery.


I am a photojournalist and photo editor in eastern Idaho.

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