If I could talk to the animals
A doe and two fawns visit the yard on Aug. 22, 2017, in Salmon, Idaho. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

If I could talk to the animals

Paying homage to Doctor Dolittle, I nicknamed these twin fawns Pushmi-Pullyu. Mama was barely a leap and bound away from the pair, which had just nursed. They are regular visitors…

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For the birds, not the dog
A fledgling stops by for a visit and is rescued from becoming a morsel for the dog on Aug. 14, 2017, in Salmon, Idaho. (© 2017 Cindi Christie/Cyanpixel)

For the birds, not the dog

This tiny bird came to rest on the back deck. It appeared a bit stunned but not with an obvious injury. I knew that golden retriever Freyja would love to give it a ride in her mouth — especially on the way to her stomach. Instead, it was rescued and posed for a few photos before flying off.

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